Which one is NOT the main factor when the reviewer determine whether to accept your paper? The number of references you cite 6.单选题(1.5分) Which statement is NOT CORRECT in problem descriptions or formulation section? lf you have simulation results or numerical results, you put it here 7....
英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末试题与答案_4 下载积分: 500 内容提示: 1.单选题 (1.5 分) Which one should not be including in writing scientific papers? • A Scientific attitude. • B Logics in presention. • C Our own feelings and emotions. • D Authentic language. 2.单选题 (1.5...
英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末试题与答案 1.单选题(1.5分)Which one should not be including in writing scientific papers?•A Scientific attitude.•B Logics in presention.• Our own feelings and emotions.•D Authentic language.2.单选题(1.5分)If the readers want to know the result of ...
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英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末试题与答案.docx,1. 1.单选题 (1.5 分) Which one should not be including in writing scientific papers? AScientific attitude. A BLogics in presention. B C Our own feelings and emotions. DAuthentic language. D 2.单选题 (1.5 分)
英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末答案.docx,1. When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’ preferences. (1 分) B r r 正确 错误 多选 2. Which are included in the biographical sketches? (1 分) ABC TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document r
英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末答案.docx 7页 内容提供方 : iris 大小 : 192.19 kb 字数 :约1.03万字 发布时间 : 2020-07-07 浏览人气 : 965 下载次数 :仅上传者可见 收藏次数 : 0 需要金币 : *** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元) 英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末答案.docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费...
1.When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers preferences.1分 B 正确错误 多选2.Which are included in the bi
reviewersreviewer学术写作authors单选 1.Whenwritingproposals,weshouldconcentrateonthereviewers’ preferences.(1分)B 正确错误 多选2.Whichareincludedinthebiographicalsketches?(1分)ABC Keyinvestigatorsintheteam.Educationalbackground.Academicduties.Current status(literaturereviews). 多选3.Whichareincludedintheprogress...
资源描述: 《英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文科技论文写作与学术报告期末答案(7页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。 1、 1.When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’ preferences.(1分) B 正确错误 多选2.Which are included in the biographical ...