英文导游词结尾(精选5篇) 英文结尾 篇1 That trip to Dalian to master of here will have been over. Believe in more of Dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, cleanappearance of a city and Euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeplyimpression, keeps an incense especially among...
一路平安!结论 英文导游词结尾要特别注意要与内容、主题相符,更要呼应导游的职业道德规范和旅游局制定的行业规范化标准。适当地引导游客适当消费、为游客提供合适的建议以及留下深刻的印象等等,也可以为导游提高其形象和提升其职业的市场竞争力。希望本文能够对大家有所帮助,有所启发。
第一篇:英语导游词结束语 After 20 years of development and construction, the Tianzhu Mountain is the development of the eight scenic areas, open six scenic spots and tourist facilities has greatly improved the visibility and Tianzhu Mountain growing reputation, Tianzhu Mountain to the number of touri...
以下是小编为大家收集的导游词结束语幽默简短英文_导游词,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet). we had had...
哪位高人能够提供一篇英文导游词的结束语.可以通用的."由于时间的关系,我们今天的游览到此为止."不止是这两句,还有欢送词呀什么的. 答案 Owing to lack of time,today's visit is over now.要是明天继续的话Thanks for your cooperation.I do hope you enjoyed today's tour.Have a good rest.See you tomm...
武当山导游词英文版(欢迎词导入结束语) Outline for Tour Guiding of Mount Wudang 1:欢迎词 Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Wuhan. My name is Silver. I am from Wuhan Travel Service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Wuhan. This is our driver, Mr Wang. Our bus...
导游词英文结束语导游词--开场白和结束语 1、大好中国美不美,全靠导游一张嘴! 2、师傅的三心二意:(X:大家知道师傅的特长是什么吗?客人可能会说:“开车”!X:不是,师傅的特长是三心二意!)三心:1,开车小心2,对待客人耐心3,服务热心二意:1,开起车来一心一意,为各位美女帅哥服务全心全意 3、跟着导游走...
导游词结束语英文 Hi Everyone, may I have your attention please, allow me to give you a general introduction of myself first. My name. It is my pleasure to be your tour guide today. Distinguish guests. Today we are going to see XXX. 导游词结束语英文2 Owing to lack of time, today s...
导游词结束语英文 1 Hi Everyone, may I have your attention please, allow me to give you a general introduction of myself first. My name. It is my pleasure to be your tour guide today. Distinguish guests. Today we are going to see XXX. 导游词结束语英文 2 Owing to lack of time, toda...