中国历史1911-1949【英文】.ppt,CHINAThe Republic 1912-1949The Guo Min DangWarlordsThe CommunistsThe Japanese invasionsCivil War and the People’s Republic 1911 -Qing Emperor abdicated to retire to the Forbidden City. The Double Ten Revolution of 1911 was
中国历史简介(英文)PPT Miscellaneous 100 People 100 EarlyDynasties 100 China’sGoldenAge 100 China’sAgeofExploration 100 ForeignRulers 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400400400400400400 500 500 500 500
今天介绍一套全英文PPT,介绍中国传统文化、节日、历史等,共16个PPT,包含新年、端午、十二生肖、秦始皇、长城、丝绸之路等文化习俗。 中国传统节日,是中华民族悠久历史文化的重要组成部分,形式多样、内容丰富。传统节日的形成,是一个民族或国家的历史文化长期积淀凝聚的过程。 中华民族的祖先在漫长的历史时期里,积累了大...
英文介绍英语历史English History.ppt,English History British history has been a history of invasion The Middle Ages( 4th century – 15th century ) Before 1066, invaders and settlers in Britain: Celts (700-200BC) Celts, a people who dominated much of weste
英美历史-英文版.ppt,Bloody Mary: It was the nickname given to MaryⅠ, Henry Ⅲ’s elder daughter, she was a catholic and had many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title MaryⅠ than by her nickname Bloody Mary. She wa
英国历史英文版 ppt课件 英国简史 2020/12/17 ppt课件 1 EarlySettlers(5000BC-55BC)1.ThefirstknownsettlersofBritainweretheIberians.(人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利亚人。)2.TheCeltsbegantoarriveBritainabout700BC.(约公元前700年,克尔特人来到不列颠岛。)2020/12/17 ppt课件 2 精品资料 你怎么称呼老师...
美国历史英文版ppt课件 “雪亮工程"是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Preface:the1790s TheUnitedStatesgraduallyexpanded,territoriallyandexperientially.TheBillofRightsisaddedin1791.The...
美国历史--英文版.ppt,History of UK The Origins of a Nation Roman Britain The Anglo-Saxon Period Viking Invasions Norman Invasion The Shaping of the Nation---Middle Ages The House of Norman The House of Plantagenet Transition to the Modern Age The House o
1875-1914年世界历史英文版.ppt,The Age of Imperialism 1875-1914 Red-coated British soldiers stand at attention around a royal pavilion during a ceremony in India. Britain’s Queen Victoria took the title Empress on India in 1876. The Age of Imperialism Im