1、将光标放在要保持在同一行的两个单词之间。依次点击“插入” > “符号” > “更多符号”。2、在“更多符号”对话框中,选择“特殊字符”选项卡。在字符列表中找到“非断行空格”,然后点击“插入”。点击“关闭”。这将在所选位置插入一个非断行空格,确保两个单词不会被分割到两行。2. 调整文本框和段落...
首先,我会尽量避免单词跨行,尽量让每个单词都完整地放在一行。但是有时候,如果一个单词太长,不得不跨行,我会选择在一个音节的结尾处跨行,这样可以更容易地阅读和理解文章。 "英文," 。 Another method I use is to hyphenate the word at the end of the line, but I try to avoid doing this as much...
英文作文单词跨行怎么办 If you have a long word at the end of a line and need to continue it on the next line, you can hyphenate the word at the end of the line and continue it on the next line. This is a common practice in writing to avoid awkward spacing and maintain readability...