可以填summer camp course(non-degree)
可以填summer camp course(non-degree)
英国 短期签证 course detail 的qualification you will get 这一栏填什么呢? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-07-18 01:24回复 途牛1 远近闻名 10 可以填summer camp course(non-degree) 来自Android客户端2楼2019-07-18 01:38 回复 Sy 崭露头角 2 如果是补考呢? 来自iPhone客户端3楼2019-07...
Some international students need to take an English language test, qualification or pre-sessional course before they can be accepted onto their chosen course.This is to make sure that you are able to participate fully in classes and enjoy the course.If you are applying for a T...
Please ensure you submit all relevant, original documents as indicated in the sections. It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a false document. Your application will be automatically refused and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you...
2. Work qualification certificate 3. The highest degree (Education) certificate or relevant approval documents, professional qualification certificate 4. Certificate of no criminal record issued by the official of the applicant's country of nationality or long-term residence (region)5. Applicant's ...
SendusthedocumentsyouusedtoobtaintheCAS.YouwillneedtoknowwhatevidenceyourTier4sponsorhasincludedonyourCAS,sothatyoucanincludeitwithyourapplication.YoumustgetthisinformationdirectlyfromyourTier4sponsorbeforeyouapply.Eachcertificateofqualificationortranscriptmustbetheoriginal(notacopy). 请提交用于获得CAS的材料。您必须...
英国学生签证所需材料 (含中英翻译)1 You should read this information guide to help you decide which documents will be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.您应阅读此信息说明,以帮助您决定何种文件将有助于支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上进行的陈述。 Pleas...
01、PSW签证是什么?毕业生签证(Graduate Visa)是指持有Tier 4或其他学生签证并在英国院校获得相关高等...
英国学生签证所需材料 含中英翻译 1 You should read this information guide to help you decide which documents will be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.您应阅读此信息说明,以帮助您决定何种文件将有助于支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上进行的陈述。 Please...