1. The UK's national treasure animal is the Robin, also known as the Redbreast.2. The Robin is a subspecies of the Eurasian Robin, specifically found in the UK. It has a length of about 15 centimeters, with a gray-black head, reddish-orange breast, white belly, and olive-...
英国的国宝是什么动物英语怎么写作文 英国的国宝是知更鸟,英国人无论到那儿定居,心里总怀念着知更鸟,因而把一些外表大致相仿,其实种属迥异的鸟类,也称为知更鸟。 The national treasure of Britain is the robin. No matter where the British people live, they always miss the robin in their hearts. ...
1. The national treasure animal of the United Kingdom is the Robin.2. Commonly known as the Redbreast, the Robin is a subspecies of the Eurasian Robin found in the UK. Measuring around 15 centimeters in length, it features a gray-black head with a reddish-orange breast, a wh...
uk的代表动物是什么英文 1. UK的国宝动物是红胸鸲,学名为Erithacus rubecula melophilus,俗称知更雀。 2. 红胸鸲是欧亚鸲在英国的亚种,深受英国人民的喜爱。 3. 英国人特别敬佩雄性红胸鸲对领土的守护和巡查本能,将其视为英勇的象征。 4. 1960年,红胸鸲通过公民投票被正式选为英国的国鸟。