《花之舞前面的英文对话》篇1 演员1: Hi everyone, are you ready for the performance today? 演员2: Yes, I think so. I"ve been practicing my part for weeks. 演员1: I know, and it shows. You all look great in your costumes. 演员3: Thank you. I"m a bit nervous, though. I"m wo...
花之舞前面的英文对话含义是:在太空船中,一个男人试图用植物(他认为是花)去搭讪管理它们的女人,提出购买或交易,并表示会买下但留在原地送给女人,营造浪漫神秘氛围。 《花之舞》前面的英文对话深度解析 《花之舞》作品背景介绍 《花之舞》(Flower Dance)是一首深受全球听众...
前面的对话是一男一女的英文对话,如下所示:Woman: "They serve the purpose of changing hydrogen into breathable oxygen. And they’re as necessary here as the air is, on Earth.”译文:女:这些花可以提供呼吸用的氧气,在地球上,它们和空气一样重要。Man: "But I still say, they're...