艾克的台词十分经典,值得一看。 Ekko: People wasted a lot of time, and then wish for more. They want more hours in their days, more days in their years, more years in their lives.Asif they had all that extra time, they can fix any mistake. I don’t need hours ,days or years. I ...
1. “I am more than just a sword. I am a reminder that sometimes, the most important thing is not what you have, but what you are.” 艾克的这句话表达了他不仅仅是一把剑,更是一种提醒。他告诉我们,最重要的不是拥有什么,而是自己是谁。 2. “The past is a foreign country. It's not...
宣传片中艾克的全部台词为:People wasted a lot of time, and then wish for more. They want morehours in their days, more days in their years, more years in their lives. Asif they had all that extra time, they can fix anymistake. I don’t need hours ,days or years. I o...
.pdf 文档大小: 70.89K 文档页数: 1页 顶/踩数: 0/1 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 生活休闲--游戏攻略 LOL英雄艾克英文台词,, 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 丅站迷離 分享于2015-07-05 19:21
楼上的...哎...正确的应该是:I'd rather make mistakes than make nothing at all.其实你可以去美服官网查的
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