沪江词库精选色阶英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 color gradation 相似短语 color in 填色 color box n. 颜料盒 color film n. 彩色胶片,彩色影片 color line n. 种族分界线 complementary color n. 补色 dithered color n.抖动色 Pattern Color 图案颜色 color chart 彩色测试图...
色阶的英文单词 The English word for "色阶" is "gradation". Now, let's delve into a deeper discussion on the concept of gradation in visual arts. In visual arts, gradation refers to a gradual transition from one value or color to another. It is a technique used to create a sense of ...
色阶 [词典] color gradation;[例句]该相机在背景光强烈的情况下还具有智能背光补偿优化、色阶调整的功能。The cameras also feature smart backlight compensation to optimize light levels in scenes with bright backgrounds.
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