气相geseous phase 气态geseous state 过热蒸汽 geseous steam 气体geseous substance 获得get 在线英语学习 得买接受使…达到 get 把船浮起 get a ship afloat 贴靠他船 get aboard 装船get aboard 赶到…正前方 get ahead of 胜过还清赶到…正前方 get ahead of ...
SCIdict专业术语词典 非正弦的 non-sinusoidal 非正弦电流 non-sinusoidal current 非正弦曲线 non-sinusoidal curve 非正弦电压 non-sinusoidal voltage 非正弦波 non-sinusoidal wave 防滑装置不滑的 non-skid 甲板防滑敷面 nonskid deck covering 甲板防滑敷面 non-skid deck covering ...
航海专业1. How to implement an effective bilingual teaching considering the characteristics of navigation major,such as globalization,high english ability requirement,limited course time,etc. 讨论了在工程制图双语教学课程中,如何结合航海专业国际合作与竞争性强、英语能力要求高、工程制图课时少的特点进行有效...
航海及海运专业英语词汇一篮子货币 A Basket of Currencies丝极电池组 a battery一艘载重26 000吨 A bulk carrier of 26000 dwts capacity with seven holds and of single deck construction ideal for world wide tramp operation especially bulk grain shipments with a speed of 15 knots...
航海专业英语1. In this paper,according to Harmer\'s Three Elements Theory and the requirements bo teachers in navigation English teaching practice,the author puts forward the feasibility of the cooperative language teaching in classroom teaching practice. 本文根据英国英语教学专家Harmer关于成功外语课堂...
航海术语 2) Navigation 航海 1. Constructe benign interaction between schools and enterprises,speed up the training of navigation utility manpower; 构建校企良性互动机制 加快航海应用人才培养 2. Identification,Assessment and Control ofNavigationRisk; ...
航海类专业大学生 1. Maritime students at this stage not only lack the ideological education and the political education especially for their professional characteristics,but also the research. 目前,关于高校思想政治教育的理论研究是比较多的,也比较深入,其中也涵盖了航海类专业大学生的思想政治教育问题,但...
除专业英语外其它科目的掌握→按照英语章节,结合其它专业科目学习→筛选单词并记忆→再次单独学习专业英语。 该过程不断要做的是单词记忆,是一个长期的过程,每个章节专业词汇量一般在200个左右(已测驾驶专业词汇,轮机专业未测)。 专业词汇记忆周期一般以一个月为基础,说这里可能会不理解,也就是根据遗忘曲线,来设定记...
步步高电子词典 网站上有的 参考资料:http://www.eebbk.com/downlist.asp?csid=378&classid=399&dhbig=专业词典&dhsmall=专业词典