神舟十二号载人飞船指令长聂海胜被授予“一级航天功勋奖章”。 Liu Boming was conferred a second-class medal, while Tang Hongbo received a third-class medal and the honorary title "heroic astronaut." 刘伯明被授予“二级航天功勋奖章”,汤洪波被授予“三级航天功勋奖章”和“英雄航天员”荣誉称号。 The award...
本周二,中共中央、国务院、中央军委向翟志刚少将、王亚平大校颁发“二级航天功勋奖章”,向叶光富大校颁发“三级航天功勋奖章”。 Zhai was commander of the six-month Shenzhou XIII mission while Wang and Ye were crew members. 在为期6个月的神舟十三号载人飞行任务中,翟志刚担任指令长,而王亚平和叶光富则是航天...
6月21日,中共中央、国务院、中央军委决定,给翟志刚、王亚平同志颁发“二级航天功勋奖章”,给叶光富同志颁发“三级航天功勋奖章”。 Ye was also named a "Heroic Astronaut" on Tuesday. Zhai and Wang have received honorary titles for their past flight missions. 21日,叶光富同志还被授予“英雄航天员”荣誉称号...
英语新闻|翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富获颁航天功勋奖章 The three crew members of the Shenzhou XIII mission have been awarded with medals to honor their service and accomplishments. 神州十三号的三名航天员被授予勋章,为褒奖他们为我国载人航天事业建立的卓著功绩。
神舟十二号载人飞船指令长聂海胜被授予“一级航天功勋奖章”。 Liu Boming was conferred a second-class medal, while Tang Hongbo received a third-class medal and the honorary title "heroic astronaut." 刘伯明被授予“二级航天功勋奖章”,汤洪波被授予“三级航天功勋奖章”和“英雄航天员”荣誉称号。