脊索瘤的英文翻译 chordoma 脊索瘤汉英翻译 chordoepithelioma[医]脊索瘤,脊索上皮瘤; chordocarcinoma[医] 脊索瘤; chordoma脊索瘤; notochordoma脊索瘤,背索上皮瘤; 词组短语 脊索瘤基金会Chordoma Foundation 脑内脊索瘤chordoma 椎管内脊索瘤chordoma 双语例句 ...
镜下 可见瘤细胞集合成索条状,为细纤维分隔,细胞大,多角形,边界不清,胞浆丰富,含细伊 红色颗粒,核或大或小,位于中央,核仁清楚。亦可见到细胞呈梭形,核长卵形,呈栅栏状 排列者。此瘤虽属良性,但有复发倾向,又因无包膜,故治疗应行较广泛的局部切除术。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
6) Parachordoma 副脊索瘤 1. Parachordoma of foot-A case report and literature review; 副脊索瘤一例报告并文献综述 2. Purpose To investigate the clinicopathological feature,diagnosis and differential diagnosis of parachordoma. 目的探讨副脊索瘤临床病理学特点及其诊断与鉴别诊断。
胸椎脊索瘤1例2) thoracic spinal column 脊椎胸段3) spinal neoplasms 脊椎肿瘤 例句>> 4) Thoracin spine neoplasms 胸椎肿瘤 例句>> 5) the first vertebrae thoracicae 第1胸椎6) thoracolumbar spinal cord 胸腰椎脊髓补充资料:胸椎 胸椎 thoracic vertebrae 位于胸部的椎骨共12个,也参于胸廓的组成,...
5) intracranial chordoma 颅内脊索瘤 1. Objective To evaluate the value of MRI in the diagnosis of intracranial chordoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 目的探讨颅内脊索瘤和鼻咽癌的MRI诊断及鉴别诊断,评价MRI诊断价值。6) intramedullary spinal cord ependymoma 脊髓髓内室管膜瘤 1. Analysis on clinical ...
沪江词库精选颅内脊索瘤的英文怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 ecchordosis physaliphora 相似短语 accommodation acceptor 通融承兑人 desiccation breccia 干裂角砾岩 staphylococcus vaccine 葡萄球菌菌苗 eccentric occlusion 【医】 离[正]中Ж accretion account 增殖帐户 accumulation accounts 累积帐户 ...
1. Dedifferentiated chordoma:a report of 1 case and review of literature; 逆分化脊索瘤1例及文献复习2) Chordomas 脊索瘤 1. Methods: Twenty-eight nasopharyngeal carcinomas,10 chordomas and 16 pituitary adenomas confirmed pathologically were collected,to analyze and compare their MRI findings. ...