Someone told me that human memories are first stored temporarily in the hippocampus, and then those that are life-threatening are moved to the cerebral cortex to become long-term memories, and those that are not important are deleted from the hippocampus.That being said, I think you should ...
耳から覚える日本語能力試験(本物の聴解力)2 72017-05 2 耳から覚える日本語能力試験(本物の聴解力)-01 132017-05 3 完全掌握N1 162017-05 4 新完全掌握N1 152017-05 5 完全掌握N1 82017-05 6 新完全掌握N1 262017-05 7 どうして個人情報が流出しましたか 102017-05 8 男の人はなぜお酒を飲...