考研英语作文素材积累摘抄大全 1. Pollution Air pollution is a major environmental issue that affects people's health and quality of life. The burning of fossil fuels in vehicles and factories releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, leading to smog andrespiratory problems. Water pollution, ...
I would like to extend my great appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration, and please feel free to contact me for further details. 【推荐信(人)】 I’m writing to you to recommend ...who is a person of upright character and amiable temper. Here are ...
考研英语作文素材积累摘抄大全 全文共3篇示例,供读者参考 篇1 A Comprehensive Collection of Materials and Excerpts for Postgraduate English Writing As someone diligently preparing for the postgraduate English writing exam, I have come to realize the immense valuein meticulously curating a diverse array of...
-, 视频播放量 1690、弹幕量 0、点赞数 48、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 95、转发人数 4, 视频作者 钟爱英语呐, 作者简介 波波思维英语,分享英语学习干货,真正提升成绩!,相关视频:哇塞!美到爆的英文句子!背会作文上大分!,高中英语|英语读后续写素材积累!背会直接用!
考研英语作文部分,大家想要收获高分,日常的备考积累中,我们需要多积累一些素材和模板,这样能够更丰富我们的作文内容,因此小编为考生整理了详细的内容,供大家参考! 一、环境保护类 常用词汇(必会) 限制***的使用 limit/ban/prohibit the use of… 提高环境保护意识 ...
【上期作业答案】We would be very glad to invite you as an expert/judge/instructor/adviser to our university/college/school/class. ✔感谢信感谢信形式简单,论点易寻,历年来都是与别的话题打包出题。对别…
💡要点:考研英语作文的素材积累至关重要,以下是一些有效的积累方法。 🔸 英语报刊:阅读英语报刊可以丰富语言表达和思考,特别是一些专业领域的报刊,有助于积累相关领域的素材。 🔸 社会热点:关注社会热点,了解相关的政策和措施,可以更加深入地掌握和运用素材。 🔸 个人经历:通过总结和反思自己的经历,可以提炼出一...
[微风]考研英语作文素材积累:高频词组&黄金句式超全汇总!,23考研党get√ #考研英语#
作文素材积累建议 时间允许的话,前期画句子的时候其实就可以带着积累,不要画太多,你看不完也用不完的。按照主题划分,主题可以参考一些作文书的分类,每个主题都要有合适的句子和短语,这样后期练习和形成模板的时候可以参考。一般来说,真题文章是非常值得参考的,包括单词、短语、长难句以及行文结构,要想真的把...
考研英语作文素材积累:引出文章中心的【过渡语】1.Personally, what the picture conveys is far beyond a new fashion trend and carries cultural implication.2.The fact/story that...indicates that...3.The symbolic meaning of the cartoon is quite self-evident......