亲,您好,以下是老挝语字母表与中文拼音字母的对照:老挝字母 - 中文拼音 - ກ - k ຂ - kh ຄ - khu ງ - ng ຈ - ji ຊ - s ຍ - ny ດ - d ຕ - th ຖ - thu ທ - th ນ - n ບ - b ປ - p ຜ - ph ຝ - f ພ - phu ຟ - f...
老挝语(英语:Lao / 老挝语:ພາສາລາວ)是老挝人民民主共和国的官方语言,与泰国北部方言属于同一种语言。[ 元音分长短两类,共29个,其中有12个单元音,12个复合元音,5个特殊元音。辅音分高、中、低3组:①高辅音16个;②中辅音14个;③低辅音19个,共49个。辅音韵尾有-k、-t、-p、-嬜、-n...
ົ 2 老挝语字母表样本 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:78 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:业精于勤 文件大小:232 KB 时间:2020-10-31
Lao alphabet 老挝语字母表 2010-01-17 19:05Lao alphabet 老挝语字母表 Lao alphabet Consonants辅音 Consonants are divided into three classes which help to determine the tone of a syllable (indicated by the numbers below). The sounds represented by some consonants change when they are used at the...
Lao alphabet 老挝语字母表 Lao alphabet 老挝语字母表 Lao alphabet Consonants辅音 Consonants are divided into three classes which help to determine the tone of a syllable (indicated by the numbers below). The sounds represented by some consonants change when they are used at the end of a syllable...
•老挝语的辅音根据声调的辅率不同,分为单辅音和复合辅音.单辅音有27个分为:中辅音,高辅音和低辅音.复合辅音有6个。•元音分为短音和长音 •声调总共有四个音,其中用最多只有两个声调是:第一声和第二声。老挝语的辅音介绍部分 老挝语总共有33个辅音字母 ກ/kຂ/khຄ/khງ/ngຈ/jສ/s...