If you take the easy way out and only do things you know you're good at, you'll never learn anything. 如果你走捷径,只做你知道自己擅长的事情,你什么也学不到。 ⭐3⭐ get/have one's way 随心所欲/为所欲为 【解释】 If someone gets their way or has their way, nobody stops them...
She is a good-looking girl with a big heart. She always helps those in need. 她外表好看,内心善良,总是帮助需要帮助的人。 ⭐2⭐ not have the heart to do sth 不忍心做某事 【解释】 If you want to do something but do not have the heart to do it, you do not do it because you...
老外说have a ..“Have a good day” 是一个常见的英语短语,用于祝福别人度过愉快的一天。你可以用以下几种方式来回应:1. **感谢并致以同样的问候**:这是一种常见且礼貌的回复。可以用 “Thank y