If you have status on JAL or ANA you are able to use the priority security lanes. Quite useful at peak hours UpvoteDownvote AlisaNovember 11, 2012 The seats near theobservation deckare quitecomfortableto sleep on if you need a quick place to crash before an early flight. ...
販售地點:羽田空港ANA FESTA、成田空港ANA FESTA|羽田空港BLUE SKY、成田空港BLUE SKY (點以上連結看詳細櫃位及營業時間) 其餘販售店鋪:東京ぼーの 東京ぼーの為口感較Q彈濕潤的起司蛋糕,中間內餡夾著北海道十勝乳酪,起司味香濃清爽,各有5條、8條、12條盒裝,一條135日幣價格還算合理,但販售地點不多除了羽田及成...