各种文章看起来都很简单,输入ip:56789后似乎就可以显示了,但问题随之而来。不管我怎么设置,填入邮箱后总是提示:“Failed to send email. Please try again.”这意味着我无法使用管理员账号。 为了解决这个问题,我查找了大量资料,结果本来晚上11点就该部署成功的笔记,折腾到凌晨3点半还是没法登录。最后发现,只要在/...
2019-08-05 00:51:06,430 [ERROR ] Failed to send email because smtp host is not set 2019-08-05 00:51:06,430 [INFO ] Run finished successfully 群晖计划任务 自定义脚本 docker exec SnapRAID /usr/bin/python /app/snapraid-runner/snapraid-runner.py -c /config/snapraid-runner.conf 使用上边...
我在云中设置了DDNS (BIND),通过我的本地Ubuntu机器(nsupdate版本显然是"nsupdate:非法选项-- V“),我可以简单地说: nsupdate -D -k [TSIG key path] > update add jeff-laptop-2013.ddns.mydomain.com 86400 A [my IP] > send Found zone name: ddns.mydomain.com The master i 浏览0提问于2015-02...
2. Example: flock -x $SYNOPKG_PKG_PROGRESS_PATH -c echo 0.80 $SYNOPKG_PKG_PROGRESS_PATH 56 Script Environment Variables 57 Script Messages Show Messages to Users Show Message as Script Result If you want to send a prompt users with messages after they installed, upgraded, uninstalled, ...
Browsers When a user unpairs with the server, the associated browsers will clear the secret key and send the unpair request to the server. Mobile devices A client will send the unpair request to the server and clear the secret key when logging out. Server The server will clear the ...
也可以重建单个文件,也就是反删除。如果你误删除了文件,可以用 snapraid fix -f path/to/file 来...
] == True: ipaddress = check_ip(ipaddress) return ipaddress#虾推啥微信通知def wechat_notify(ipaddress): if(xts_token == ""): logging.error("wechat notify failed, xts_token is null") else: push_url = "http://wx.xtuis.cn/{token}.send".format(token=xts_token) ...
我的DS218+启动后,经常会碰到错误,Failed to send email. (535 Login Fail. Please enter your ...