鲸猎头 | 李佳琦美ONE 2023春季校招! 简介 美ONE是一家艺人网红孵化服务平台,提供艺人网红杂志化履历包装工具,并在多角色用户间构建圈内人脉网络,通过产品机制实现工作共享、资源互换,并且提供拍摄、推广、主播、电商分销等多项服务。自 2014 年成立以来,美 ONE 成功孵化并运营了“李佳琦直播间”、“奈娃家族”、...
Rotate to another division within Capital One during your first two years, getting exposure to a new area of interest (e.g., UX design within an Agile delivery pod, new product development, Diversity & Inclusion in human resources), a skill y...
Rotations allow for hands-on experience in two distinct roles. Associates who participate in this program may choose to remain in their final role placement upon completion of the program or explore other opportunities at Capital One. ►►职位要求...