伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)的《幸福之路》(The Conquest of Happiness)是一本探讨如何实现个人幸福的哲学著作。这本书首次出版于1930年,是罗素在其广泛的哲学、数学和社会批评工作之外的一部重要作品。以下是该书的一些核心观点: 1. **幸福的定义**: - 罗素认为幸福是一种积极的情感状态,它不仅仅是缺乏痛苦,...
罗素在The Conquest of Happiness中的这段话对我很有启发,我把它解读为只有向外看,才能看到自己。 如果我们过于看自己,naval gazing,就会涌出许多自我评判、怀疑,无法找到解决之道,过于自责/自大/自以为是...
说到The conquest of happiness,我觉得WALT WHITMAN的这首诗最能代表本书的智慧了:I think I could turn and lie with animals, they're so placid and self-contain'd,I stand and look at them long and long.They do not sweat and whine about their condition,They do not lie awake in the dark ...
罗素《幸福之路》 《幸福之路》(The Conquest of Happiness),是英国哲学家伯特兰·罗素所写的陕西师范大学出版社出版的一本关于生活哲理的小书,译者傅雷;吴默朗,金剑,罗素在该书中讨论了各种常见的问题,如生存竞争、烦闷、嫉妒、疲劳等等,并阐述了自己认为可以避免的方式 直到很久以后,我才开始意识到目标达成和幸福未...
chapter 6- envy-the conquest of happiness 11 2017-04 4 Chapter 5- fatigue-the conquest of happiness 24 2017-04 5 chapter 4- the conquest of happiness-boredom and excitent 11 2017-04 6 Chapter3-competition- Russell-the conquest of happiness ...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【中商原版】幸福的获得 英文原版 幸福之路 The Conquest of Happiness 罗素 诺贝尔奖》。最新《【中商原版】幸福的获得 英文原版 幸福之路 The Conquest of Happiness 罗素 诺贝尔奖》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,
但是想吼一声…… 我实在太敬仰罗素这个人了,如果不是因为有罗素这样一个人,我会觉得自己决不会赞同、敬仰、崇拜一个人到这种地步。书中不少地方由于历史和文化背景不熟悉而没有理解,大量引用书信、日记、演讲稿等内容我也是跳过了很多。就这样,我终于读完了这本罗素自传(的正文)。罗素这个人物,我最初是因为wxb...
then we may reflect that indirectly the mathematician often does more for human happiness than any of his more practically active contemporaries. The history of science abundantly proves that a body of abstract propositions--even if, as in the case of conic sections, it remains two thousand years...
it's perhaps without dubious to say that childhood interest development is often a harbinger of future success.At first, Russell's complete interest and source of happiness and alacrity derived from nothing other than math. It became a genuine attraction to Russell that while his grandmother was ...