这句话出自于罗曼·罗兰的名言,原文为:“There's only one kind of heroism,which is to recognize life as it is and still love it.”在人生百态、世事无常中,唯有认清生活的本质,并依然热爱生活的勇气,方能称之为英雄。英雄,不在于拥有何种显赫的身世、卓越的才能或是无尽的财富,而在于...
Life is difficult for those restless mediocrity, life is an endless struggle, and often no honor no happiness at all, in solitude quietly engaged in a pathetic struggle
2、和书生活在一起,永远不会叹气。——罗曼罗兰名言3、当我们第一次约会的时候,你告诉我说我是你最大的发现4、... 我要一句名言,谢谢大家,急用 凡事预则立不预则废 高尔基对她儿子说的一句名言? 如果一个人无论何时何地都能给他人以美好的东西,那么他也就得到了自己最向往的东西——高尚的品质和他人的...
with trauma, life is the best thing for you, because all wounds in each step forward marks, don't because for a cruel twist and depressed yu, patience is bitter fruit sweet, although life gives you a thousand reasons cry, you will behave you a thousand reasons laughter!
“成不成功都不重要”出自 La vie de Beethoven,也就是《贝多芬传》。
罗曼罗兰是法国的,原文应该是法文:"Il n'ya qu'un héroïsme au monde : c'est de voir le ...
There's only one kind of heroism,which is to recognize life as it is and still love it....