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4. Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking? 5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases. 6. In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff. 7. The history of train transport has ...
unit1(点这里) unit2(点这里) unit3(点这里) unit4(点这里) unit5(点这里) unit6(点这里)
行业资料 政务民生 说明书 生活娱乐 搜试试 续费VIP 立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 高校与高等教育 新编大学英语第三版综合教程第四册课后答案©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
4. Napoleon discovered that the occupation of the city was an empty victory because the Russians fled their capital leaving him almost nothing at all. 5. They suffered heavy losses as a result of the extreme cold and the Russians' hit-and-run attacks. 6. Napoleon abdicated and went into ...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: 大学英语综合教程4第三版答案 一、单词1.Taxesareanobligationwhichmayfalloneverybody.2.Weapplaudedtheauthority'sdecisionnottoclosethehospital.3.Thedoctor'sinstructionsmustbefulfilledexactly;thesickman'slifedependsonit.4.Dotheseopinionpollsreallymirrorwha...
大学英语综合教程4第三版答案一、单词 1.Taxes are anobligationwhich may fall on everybody. 2.Weapplaudedthe authority's decision not to close the hospital. 3.The doctor's instructions must befulfilledexactly; the sick man's life depends on it. 4.Do these opinion polls reallymirrorwhat people...
Unit 1Part II Reading taskComprehensionPossible answers to content questions1. It refers to the raw, bitter, bleak Russi
答案-大学体验英语综合教程4(第三版)课后答案 Unit 1 4. 1 . m edia 2. im ages 3. abusive 4. fulfilling 5. recognition 6. status 7. stresses 8. aware 9. deserve 5. 1 . obligation 2. applauded 3. fulfilled 4. m irror 5. flexibility 6. devalue 7. striving 8. entailed 9. ...
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