维美德(中国)有限公司招聘:Accountant, Cash Mgmt、机加工工艺工程师、焊工等18个职位。维美德(中国)有限公司相关领域:生物质能,生活用纸,制浆造纸,备品备件,纸板。想了解维美德(中国)有限公司招聘条件,学历要求,需要什么专业,就上职友集。发现和了解你未来
when flow control company Neles was merged into Valmet. The combined company net sales in 2021 was approximately EUR 4.5 billion based on the respective company figures. Valmet’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki and the head office is in Espoo, Finland. 维美德集团是全球领先的制浆、造...
when flow control company Neles was merged into Valmet. The combined company net sales in 2021 was approximately EUR 4.5 billion based on the respective company figures. Valmet’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki and the head office is in Espoo, Finland. 维美德集团是全球领先的制浆、造...
维美德有限公司是维美德(中国)有限公司旗下品牌。我们的愿景是成为全球在服务客户和推动行业发展方面最好的供应商。 我们的17500名专业人员在全球各地为客户服务,致力于推进客户每一天的运营。 维美德是全球领先的开发者和供应商,专注于为制浆、造纸和能源行业提供工艺技术、自动化以及服务业务。凭借我们的自动化系统和...
维美德(中国)有限公司 关注 屏蔽该公司 机械/设备·印刷/包装/造纸·1000-2000人 年底双薪 绩效奖金 带薪年假 午餐补助 定期体检 五险一金 节日礼物 免费班车 技能培训 Accountant, Vendor Invoice Mgmt 【无锡-梁溪区】 7-10k·13薪 统招本科 过女士 · Recruiter...
Valmet Corporation is a leading global developer and supplier of services and technologies for pulp, paper and energy industries. Our 11,500 professionals around the world work close to our customers and are committed to moving our customers’ performance forward – every day. 维美德集团是一家全球...
市贝克摩尔高性能材料有限公司招聘信息 东莞市洁美毛刷制品有限公司招聘信息 东莞市宇川精密技术有限公司招聘信息 东莞市毅帆五金模具有限公司招聘信息 东莞市宇一模具有限公司招聘信息 维峰电子(广东)股份有限公司招聘信息 东莞市雅芬塑料制品有限公司招聘信息 广东达鑫电子科技有限公司招聘信息 广东帝博科技有限公司招聘...
Valmet Corporation is a leading global developer and supplier of services and technologies for pulp, paper and energy industries. Our 11,500 professionals around the world work close to our customers and are committed to moving our customers’ performance forward – every day. 维美德集团是一家全球...