工坊搜aggressively improved late game performance 2楼2022-11-09 17:43 回复 rivenle 千人远征 8 支持一下,开一局试试效果怎么样,另外问一下跟创意工坊里面其他改善游戏卡顿的mod有冲突吗?还是说只要把你这个mod放在最后面就行了? 3楼2022-11-09 19:33 收起回复 sw...
-PERFORMANCE - Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by merging very small pops back into the general population - Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by forcing unemployed pops to switch profession when sufficiently poor - Improved performance of updating trend...
- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by merging very small pops back into the general population- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by forcing unemployed pops to switch profession when sufficiently poor- Improved performance of updating trends for political...
萌新求问 分享26112 维多利亚3吧 liuying5822 后期卡的受不了,可以试下这个MOD (必须开新档)工枋搜Improved late game performance,。把全部宗教改为无神。改变大部分国家初始移民 法律为关闭边境 。我现在到1890一点都不卡了。 分享19 维多利亚3吧 潘恩500道 【挖坑】V3新战国mod一楼喂度 分享171 维多利亚3吧...
4、improve late game performance。这mod将所有宗教都改成一个,增强了同化率,并修改部分国家的移民政策。mod亲测能提高运行速度,起码能让你卡的时间廷后30年。 5、Western clothes。改变了东亚等国家的服饰,使大清看 356113 维多利亚3吧 关注WIZ谢谢喵 关于游戏未来和dlc计划杂七杂八的信息镇楼:昨晚再次因质量...
- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by merging very small pops back into the general population- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by forcing unemployed pops to switch profession when sufficiently poor- Improved performance of updating trends for political...
4、improve late game performance。这mod将所有宗教都改成一个,增强了同化率,并修改部分国家的移民政策。mod亲测能提高运行速度,起码能让你卡的时间廷后30年。 5、Western clothes。改变了东亚等国家的服饰,使大清看 356113 维多利亚3吧 wuli三藩 求助私人建造会让游戏变卡吗?不开私人建造吧,感觉游戏难度不够 ...
这也太卡了。。。后期稳定10fps左右,拖个地图都要等半天 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-11-06 20:31回复 点星月 农奴改制 6 核心就是:减少pops,合并pops 2楼2022-11-06 20:59 收起回复 swk09 天命扩张 5 试试创意工坊上的 Improved late game performance 3楼2022-11-07 00:30 收起...
配合Improved late game performance 这个优化MOD一起用,会好很多。 3楼2022-11-07 00:22 回复 虚绝真玄破空飞灭 兄弟阋墙 7 60年,已经卡得大概15桢的速度了 来自Android客户端4楼2022-11-07 01:22 回复 大肥宅 兄弟阋墙 7 太卡了,没必要。现在AI已经没有初版的硬伤了。 来自Android客户端5楼2022...
Performance Modding Added an in-game script profiler for modders, to allow measuring script performance and find bottlenecks Implemented create_dynamic_country effect which allows the creation of brand new countries with custom-defined country type, culture, religion, tier, colors and states ...