How old are you? 746204:20 The animal's body 852704:04 Feeling 793204:09 Are you feeling okay? 820604:11 What are you doing? 875404:29 What's your favorite sport? 896405:42 What does she look like? 1.27万05:42 Do like your teacher? 2.34万06:09主播...
丹尼尔,你在忙什么? What Are You Doing, Daniel? 十一月,秋色渐浓,空气中飘来丝丝金桂的甜香,梧桐落叶在脚下发出清脆的声响。这样美好的周末你会怎样度过呢?十岁的丹尼尔选择宅在家里玩游戏,忙于游戏的他和家人之间似乎有些不愉快。...
绘本《What are you Doing-Honey English 甜心英语》,Paran 绘本内容
elephant,what are you doing? I am playing the bass drum. 朗朗上口的旋律,可唱可读!当熟悉之后结合学具动物乐器组合玩抢答游戏 ,进一步巩固单词和句型! 日记本 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我" 赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下 ...
怎么读幼儿英语分级阅读(预备级)绘本(54.what are you doing发布于 2021-12-10 17:46 · 80 次播放 赞同添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 绘本幼儿幼儿英语分级阅读幼儿阅读幼儿启蒙 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧...
欢迎收听由主播哆睿西为您带来的“英语绘本故事《what are you doing》”精彩有声内容,该音频时长1分17秒,已被收听395次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“绘本故事《我爱幼儿园》”、“英语绘本故事《where are you hiding》”,下载喜马拉雅APP,收听更多精彩!
what are you doing绘本教学设计 一、Teaching content:(教学内容) 本节课是学生学习现在进行时的第一课时,要求能够听、说、读、写五个动词短语的ing形式。能运用句型“What are you doing? I’m doing the dishes/….”询问别人正在做什么并作答。do the dishes, cook dinner, read a book,都属于上册学过...
【题目】三、Read and write.读绘本“What Are You Doing?",完成任务。You Doing?0Oh! What sound is it?Sophie: Elephant, what are you doing?What Are You Doing?Elephant: I'm playing the bass drum().Elephant: Gorilla(大 ), what are you doing?Gorilla: Tiger, what are you doing?Gorilla:...
What are you doing?Tortoise: Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.¥Hare: Ah, you are too slow! I can even 1.faster than Iyou can run.Tortoise: Miss Hare, you are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you.Chicken: Do not join the race. You will not ...
> Children's Books(儿童图书) > 华研 > 英文原版绘本 What Are You Doing Today Mother Nature 你今天在干什么 大自然母亲 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 瑞雅进口图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.5 中 售后服务: 4.6 中 ...