总之,《Can I Play with You?》是一本非常适合孩子们阅读的绘本,它不仅能够传递友谊、包容与接纳的积极信息,还能帮助孩子们培养勇敢表达、接纳不同和珍惜友谊的品质。
少儿英语can you少儿英语 can iyou can少儿英语i can 少儿英语i英文儿歌can少儿英语i can 演讲少儿英语i can少儿英语i和you小学英语演讲i cani can少儿英语 Play With Style 兔子的早茶1996 06a 讲解 Can I Play Too? ChrisLeeson9.13万 06b 跟读 Can I Play Too? ChrisLeeson8.18万 【磨耳朵】I Can 绘本有...
跟上兔子Can I play with you? 本期一起读绘本《跟上兔子》Can I play with you?这则故事,从封面先猜一猜故事情节吧……Mr Xiao制作了朗读视频,与大家一起品读!记住,边听边小声地跟着读,划出困难的单词哦~~~ Tip: 点击视频右下角箭头,全屏播放...
书名:《跟上兔子》分级绘本四年级 Can I play with you? 朗读者:盛泽实验小学四(4)班 王子萱 Hello, everyone. We are going to read a story calledCan I play with you?today. There are many animals in the forest, the rabbit, the tiger...
根据《跟上兔子》分级绘本四年级第一季Can I play with you?的内容,给下列句子匹配正确的图片.(1)Little Elephant wants to play with the other animals.But he doesn't know how. ___ A. EFG(2)Little Elephant wants to play in the water. ___ B. 660°(3)Little Elephant has many friends now...
CanIplaywithyou绘本阅读(课件)译林版英语四年级上册.pptx,Brain storm Read the cover The … is / are … I can see … ... Look and say forest Read and find Try to imagine I want to play ball games! … Try to act What are you doing, Little Elephant? Go away
inPrimarySchool“跟上兔子”系列绘本教案精选CanIPlaywithYou?四年级第1季Enjoyasong………doganimalsBrainstormReadthecoverThe…is/are…Icansee… ...LookandsayforestTip:阅读绘本时仔细看图,图片中蕴含着丰富的信息哦!Why?ReadandfindIhavenofriends.Iwanttoplaywithyou,butIdon’tknowhow. Trytoimagine快速浏览...
少儿英语i can 演讲少儿英语i can少儿英语can youi英文儿歌canyou can少儿英语can you 小学英语i can少儿英语少儿英语i和youi can 少儿英语小学英语演讲i can Play With Style 兔子的早茶2001 06a 讲解 Can I Play Too? ChrisLeeson9.13万 06b 跟读 Can I Play Too? ChrisLeeson8.18万 Can I Play Too 我可...
Can I play with you?Sure!Come here!Of course! Q1:What does the elephant do then ?He asks first .Q2:Can little elephant play with other animals at last(最后)?Yes , he can . How does Little Elephant feel now?happyhappysad He has (no/many) friends now!many 四人一组,选择一个场景...
(一)根据《跟上兔子》分级绘本四年级第一季Can I play with you?的内容,给下列句子匹配正确的图片。(5分)(1)Little Elephant wants to play with the other animals.But he doesn't know how. (2)Little Elephant wants to play in the water. ...