绘人测验1. Methods: HFDs was used. 方法:用绘人测验法对农牧区的汉、维吾尔、哈萨克、回族等共 92 7名儿童的智商进行了筛查 ,并对结果进行统计学分析。更多例句>> 2) tree-person drawing test 树人绘画测验3) House-Tree-Person Drawing 房—树—人绘画测验...
学龄前儿童情绪与行为问题评估:绘人测验的研究 2. Drawing Completion Test 绘画完成测验 绘画完成测验 3. Drawing Tests:A Valid Instrument for Evaluating Mental State and Interpersonal Function of the Children Suffering Disasters 绘画测验:评估灾后儿童的心理状态和人际关系功能的有效工具 4. Article14 Surv...
房树人测验5) drawing tests 绘画测验 1. Secondly,without language expression,drawing tests can help children give vent to their feelings. 绘画测验因其简单、易于操作、没有威胁、无偏向主观反应等特点受到临床心理工作者的青睐,将其用于评估儿童的心理状态和人际关系功能,尤其是经历大灾难的儿童,有着良好的...