2. All over :全部结束 3. The game is over :比赛结束 4. Finish :完成、结束 5. Conclude with :以...结束 6. End at :在...结束 7. Wrap up :把事情结束起来,总结或收拾整齐 8. End with :以...结束 9. Finish with :以...结束 10. Abruptly end :突然结束 11. Suddenly finish :突然...
以下是表示「结束」的常见英文短语及其用法解析: 1. come to an end 表示某事物自然或逐步结束,常用于描述事件、活动或时期的终止。例如: The summer vacation will soon come to an end. 常见搭配:正式场合或书面语中强调过程的完结。 2. be at an end 强调事物已经处于完全结...
英语中,有许多单词或短语可以用作结束,使句子或对话更加完整和有礼貌。以下是一些常用的表达: 1. To conclude - 表示总结,结束。 - 例句:I would like to conclude by thanking all of you for your time and attention. - 翻译:我想通过感谢大家的宝贵时间和关注来结束。 2. In summary - 用于总结前文...
结束的英文短语有:end up; end : n. (时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾; 末端; 尽头; 末梢; 结束; 破灭。 v. 结束; 终止。 扩展资料 That's what you'll end up with, you mark my words. 那就是将来你的下场,记住我的话。 If you don't know what you want, you might end...
结束英文短语 1. That's all for now. 2. I think we're done here. 3. This concludes our discussion. 4. Let's wrap things up. 5. We'll call it a day. 6. I guess we'll leave it there. 7. That about sums it up. 8. Thank you for your time. 9. It's time to finish. ...
【题目】 英文短语(中译英)1.结束,告终2.以后随后3.嘲笑,取笑4.处理应付5.忽然终端6.犯错出错7.害怕去做8.编造组成9.生 的气10.尽力做11.根本不12.过去经常13.非常害怕...14.最后15.班主任16.即使,尽管17.对 感到骄傲18.对.感兴趣19.入睡20.做决定21.令人惊奇的是22.不再再不23.留心注意24.过去...
结束的英文短语有:at the end,end up,break up,put an end to,ome to an end。end:n.(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢;结束;破灭;v.结束;终止扩展资料It was a rushed decision made at the end of the meeting.那是会议结束时匆忙作出的决定。The...