纺锭状的 释义 fusiform 纺锭状的,两端渐细的;纺锤形;
lobule fusiform【医】 梭状回 fusiform antenna梭形触角 fusiform bacteria梭形细菌 相似单词 fusiforma. 纺锭状的,两端渐细的 翻译推荐 纺锭hasp 纺锭油spindle 纺锭状的fusiform 棉纺锭knitting 纺锭滚筒picker 冲压倒刺纺锭pucked 最新单词 硫胂凡纳明英文怎么写sulfarsphe ...
纺锤形,纺锤形的,纺锤形浮标,纺锤状的,纺锭,纺锭状的,纺犊皮纸,纺纱,纺纱工厂,纺纱机, 英汉-汉英词典 fǎng dìng zhuàng de fusiform 用户正在搜索 Mexico,Mexico City,mexitil,mexoticin,Meyliidae,mezcaline,mezereon,mezereum,mezlocillin,mezuza, ...
adj. 纺锭状的,两端渐细的;纺锤形; 英英释义 fusiform[ 'fju:zəfɔ:m ] adj.tapering at each end 同义词:spindle-shapedcigar-shaped 学习怎么用 权威例句 The fusiform face area: a module in human extra... The Fusiform Face Area: A module in human extrastriate cortex specialized for the ...
fusiform 用户正在搜索 Cheshire, Cheshire cat, Cheshire Cheese, Cheshvan, cheskey, chess, chess game, chess piece, chess player, chessboard, 相似单词 纺锤形, 纺锤形的, 纺锤形浮标, 纺锤状的, 纺锭, 纺锭状的, 纺犊皮纸, 纺纱, 纺纱工厂, 纺纱机, 历史...