涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peach 纺织英语(系列三) 颜色用英语 增白:WHITE / SNOW WHITE 特黑: BLACK / JET BLACK 奶白: IVORY/ECRU/OFF WHITE/CREAM 大红: RED 紫红:BORDEAUX/WINE 紫色: BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE 绿色: GREEN 灰色: GREY 玉色: OYSTER/PEACH 黄色: YELLOW 卡其: K...
23、ongue 鞋舌扣环tongue coop 后上片mustache 处包片 outside counte 里包片 inside counter 鞋领collar 装饰带ornament 鞋流 shaft of boot 后跟包皮heel cover 中底边 insole binding 鞋 口滚边 topline binding 反口领cuff 纺织英语大全供大家参考样板SAMPLE布封幅宽 FABRIC WIDTH侧骨侧缝,摆缝SIDE SEAM插竹...
纺织类英语专业术语 1. Textile industry: the industry involved in the production of textiles and fabrics 2. Fibers: natural or synthetic materials used to make textiles, such as cotton, wool, silk, polyester, etc. 3. Yarn: a continuous strand of fibers used for weaving or knitting fabrics 4...
纺织品类英语专业术语一、原料raw materials 聚合物: polymer树脂:resin切片:chips天然纤维:Natural fibers 人造纤维:man-made fiber合成纤维:synthetic fiber化学纤维:chemical fiber 特种纤维:specialty fiber复合纤维:composite fiber羊毛:wool蚕丝:silk 黄麻:jute亚麻:flax木浆纤维:wood pulp fiber涤纶:polyester(pet) ...
Hemp (T):大麻,一种多功能的植物纤维,可用于制作纺织品、纸张和燃料等。 TS Tussah silk:柞蚕丝,一种珍贵的植物纤维,以其光泽和高弹性而著名。 MS Mulberry silk:桑蚕丝,…
本文将为您提供一份详细的纺织面料专业英语术语大全,涵盖500个常用术语。这些术语将帮助您更好地了解纺织面料的种类、特性和生产过程。以下是一些常见的纺织面料专业英语术语: 1. C Cotton - 棉 2. W Wool - 羊毛 3. M Mohair - 马海毛 4. RH Rabbit hair - 兔毛 ...
纺织面料专业英语术语大全 一、面料英文名称 Cotton:棉 Wool:羊毛 Mohair:马海毛 RH、Rabbit hair:兔毛 AL,Alpaca:羊驼毛 Silk:丝绸 Jute:黄麻 Linen:亚麻 Ram:Ramie:苎麻 Hemp:大麻 Polyester:涤纶 WS,Cashmere:羊绒 WA,Angora:安哥拉山羊毛 LA,Lambswool:羊羔毛 ...
纺织面料500个专业英语术语大全:一、面料英语Cotton棉Wool羊毛Mohair马海毛RH、Rabbit hair兔毛Alpaca羊驼毛Silk真丝Jute黄麻Linen亚麻RamRamie苎麻Hemp大麻Polyester涤纶Cashmere羊绒WAAngora安哥拉山羊毛LALambswool羊羔毛TSTussah silk柞蚕丝YHYark hair牦牛毛MDModal莫代尔Camel hair驼绒CUCupro铜MSMulberry silk桑蚕丝LYLycra莱卡...
1、人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒 xx:Down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:Micro suedexx 皮植绒:Jeans flockingxx 丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)xx 塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:23 / 34...
英语翻译纺织品类专业术语papersoftmachineyarncottonspinningoil 系统标签: 品类纺织knittingyarnfabric术语 107条查不到的纺织英语词汇(带英语释义,请高手给出专业汉语对应用词,谢谢!)请参考对应汉语词汇及英文释义,之后请在随后的“无释义贴”中给出宝贵意见。多谢!1.Backrest(背架?)Thisroll(alsocalledthewhiproll)...