应该就是咸腌蟹的意思 salted crab paste 蟹糊 salted-crab 炝蟹 salted sea crab 咸梭子蟹 salted egg crab 咸蛋螃蟹 salted egg baked crab 双皇咸旦螃蟹 赞(1) 回复 Charley07s 2021-10-28 19:13:22 crab roe marinaded with shaoxin Rice Wine and ginger and soy sauce. 赞 回复 Charley07s 2...
茴香豆、嵊州竹编、嵊州新昌小笼包、嵊州新昌榨面、黄岩蜜橘、翻簧竹刻、蕃莳片、奉化芋艿头、奉化水蜜桃、邱隘雪里蕻、宁波汤圆、三门青蟹、宁波红膏炝蟹、楼茂记香干、臭冬瓜、处州白莲、永康鹅肥肝、永康肉麦饼等等 The Zhejiang special product is rich, has Chingning hsien she race green Qu Jiu, Ha[...