【Lean Version Hong Shao Rou 少油红烧肉英文版食谱】1.Choose a pork belly with fat & lean ratio of about 3:7. Cut pork belly into pieces (I remove the skin for a lean texture. If your like can keep the skin on);2.Boil water in a small pot, put in t...
红烧肉的食谱英文版 红烧肉的食谱英文版详细正确... 红烧肉的食谱英文版详细正确 展开 材料五花肉、老抽、八角、姜、胡椒粉、火麻油、冰糖、大蒜、盐步骤1、准备材料,五花肉洗净,切成麻将块大小;2、锅烧热放火麻油,爆香姜片大蒜花椒八角;3、倒入五花肉翻炒至两面微焦
Lean Version Hong Shao Rou 少油红烧肉英文版食谱的做法步骤 步骤1 Choose a pork belly with fat & lean ratio of about 3:7. Cut pork belly into pieces (I remove the skin for a lean texture. If your like can keep the skin on). 步骤2 Boil water in a small pot, put in the pork bel...