红发会故事梗概英语作文 1 英文作文: One day, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were discussing a rather strange case. The case was about the Red-Headed League. Watson was intrigued and asked Holmes to tell him more. Holmes began to recount the story. A man named Jabez Wilson had a rather ...
黑布林英语阅读《红发会》中英文双语对照版.pdf,The Red-headed League 红发会 (红发的主顾) I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day in the autumn of l ast year 去年秋天的一天,我去拜访我的朋友歇洛克·福尔摩斯。 and found him in deep conversa
Wilson's assistant Vincent Spaulding had pointed out to Wilson a job notice in the newspaper. It was a job sponsored by the Red-Headed League, and only men with red hair need apply. Spaulding convinced Wilson to go to the interview, and because of the bright color of his hair...
红发会概括英文100词英文Once upon a time, there lived a red-haired boss in London. His business was very bad. One day the clerk in his shop found an advertisement and said to him: Boss! This is a good chance to make a fortune! The boss did as he was advertised, and he was ...
开篇就说是“去年秋天的一天”,但华生医生看到发布红发会消息的报纸并给福尔摩斯和威尔逊先生读报时,自己记录道“这是一八九○年四月二十七日的《纪事年报》,正好是两个月以前的。”It can be seen that this time is about the end of June. On the card that Mr Wilson saw announcing the ...
红发会(英语:The Red-Headed League)是阿瑟·柯南道尔创作的福尔摩斯案件中的一个短篇,讲述夏洛克·福尔摩斯从一份红发会的广告开始最后破获一个犯罪团伙的过程。1891年8月开始连载在《海滨》杂志上,由插图画家西德尼·帕格特绘制插图。1892年此篇和其他11个短篇小说合编成《夏洛克·福尔摩斯的冒险》(或译《冒险史...