糖衣炮弹的近义词有:甜言蜜语、...等1个,糖衣炮弹的意思是:用糖衣裹着的炮弹;比喻用腐蚀拉拢诱惑等手段去牟取自己的利益 ,查看 糖衣炮弹 的所有近义词及意思,请向下滚动。糖衣炮弹近义词甜言蜜语糖衣炮弹近义词解释甜言蜜语:象蜜糖一样甜的话。比喻为了骗人而说得动听的话。糖衣炮弹是什么意思糖衣炮弹:用糖衣裹着的...
n. 名词noun a small round candy made of sugar with various flavoring and coloring ingredients; a bonbon. sugarplum 近义词 sugarplum 等同于 sweet sugarplum 的近义词 16 个 candy chocolate confection dessert snack bonbon confectionery confiture delight enjoyment gratification joy pleasure pudding sweetm...
有糖衣的糖衣炮弹加糖的糖衣的 查询! 看过sugarcoated 的人也看了 : soothe mollify pacify alleviate candy-coat soften up sugarcoated 的定义 v. 有主动词 verb to cover with sugar: to sugarcoat a pill. to make appear more pleasant or acceptable: There was no way to sugarcoat the bad news. ...