1.Open this folder in win10 or below(win10 pe recommended,win11 pe is not usbale) 2.Shift+right_click to open in CMD 3.Run 'afuwinx64P bios.rom /GAN' 4.Ignore ERROR-18 and reboot
楼主这个bios的me有问题,我从精英官网下载了文件+me合成以后开机正常,或者这个bios替换me应该也可以 ...
以下是个人做的魔改bios分享,虽然是pcie2.0但还是添加了nvme模块,默认开启SG模式,关闭CSM并仅UEFI启动,P106可用;添加微码解锁睿频 Caution: This bios is only for ECS H81-H3I only 2024/5/13 1.GUI 2.Changeable IGD Multi_display (default to enabled) ...
1.Open this folder in win10 or below(win10 pe recommended,win11 pe is not usbale) 2.Shift+right_click to open in CMD 3.Run 'afuwinx64P bios.rom /GAN' 4.Ignore ERROR-18 and reboot