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Develop and manufacture excellent mould products,to make “JINGGONG MOULD”become a brand of chinese mould with international recognition, and be dedicated to serving the glass industry and supporting local economic growth. Persuit of international advanced technology,Continuously lifting quality standard, ...
Bottle & Jar Series Cosmetics Series Tableware Series Pharmaceutical Series Accessary SeriesNews 08月 09 Overseas customers visit Jinggong Mold... Recently, a customer inspection and exchange activity aimed at promoting... 07月 15 07月 08 ...
地址:中国·江苏常熟沙家浜镇东 网址:www.jinggongmould.com(精工模具官网) www.glassmould.cn(中国玻璃模具网)Copyright 2015 常熟市精工模具制造有限公司 中文域名:精工模具.公司 精工模具.中国 苏ICP备11065233号-10苏公网安备 32058102001360号 技术支持:云标科技 后台登陆 ...
自1983年创建以来,精工全心全意致力于为玻璃工业生产制作模具,其精良的产品质量让精工“模具行家”声名在业内广为人知;几近40年永不停息的技术革新和进步使得精工的市场地位牢不可破。 为满足客户对产品质量的更高要求与对模具产量的更大需求,我们不断的引进国内外先进设备、...
简介:常熟市精工模具制造有限公司 (曾用名:常熟市精工模具制造厂) ,成立于2000年,位于江苏省苏州市,是一家以从事通用设备制造业为主的企业。企业注册资本5000万人民币,实缴资本5000万人民币。通过天眼查大数据分析,常熟市精工模具制造有限公司参与招投标项目18次;知识产权方面有商标信息6条,专利信息243条;此外企业还...
Mold testing centerTo continuous improve product quality and guarantee the overall quality of glass mould industry of Shajiabang, Jinggong Mould has made a great efforts to build up a glass mould inspection center. With more than 30 inspectors working in the center, and advanced test and ...