为进一步探讨其机理,论文作者采用了二维弥散-粘滞型波动方程对包含气层的地质模型进行地震数值模拟,并在波场延拓过程中考虑了地震波的速度色散效应。4) viscous dissipation 粘滞弥散5) dispersion equation 弥散方程 1. The complex dispersion equation is derived describing dependence of phase velocity and attenua...
粘滞弥散5) dispersion equation 弥散方程 1. The complex dispersion equation is derived describing dependence of phase velocity and attenuation of Love type waves on frequency. 研究了附着于一个半无限弹性体上的一个流体饱和的两相多孔固体薄层中的洛夫型波,导出了复数形式的弥散方程,此方程描述了相速度以...
弥散-粘滞型波动方程1. To study the mechanism, we performed seismic numerical simulation of geological models with a hydrocarbon-bearing zone using the 2-D diffusive-viscous wave equation which can effectively model the characteristics of velocity dispersion and transform the seismic dat. 为进一步...