将“箭毒蛙"翻译成英文 poison dart frog是将“箭毒蛙"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:乌克兰总共有78,300人正式登记为爱滋病毒阳性,9,700人为感染爱滋病。 ↔ In total, 78,300 people are officially registered in Ukraine as HIV‐positive and 9,700 as infected with AIDS. 箭毒蛙 + 加 中文-英文字典 ...
箭毒蛙,英文名Arrow-Poison frog ,又名毒箭蛙,毒标枪蛙。号称是世界上最美丽的青蛙,同时也是毒性最强的物种之一。目前已知种类超过200种,它们的体型很小,最小的仅1.5厘米,个别种类也可达到6厘米。主要分布于巴西、圭亚那、智利等热带雨林中,通身鲜明多彩,常为黑与艳红、黄、橙、粉红、绿、蓝的结合,四肢布满鳞纹...
6、Poison dart frog 箭毒蛙-英文 55 2020-03 7 7、Porcupinefish 刺豚-英文 39 2020-03 8 8、Leafy sea dragon 海龙-英文 33 2020-03 9 9、Owl 猫头鹰-英文 37 2020-03 10 10、Stonefish 石头鱼-英文 58 2020-03 查看更多 猜你喜欢 119
这套可爱又充满童趣的科普绘本来自美国享誉百年的World Book图书公司。这家公司以内容精确+品质极好+学术角度+考据严谨著称。绘本系列融合了动物百科和自然常识,让读者在有趣的内容中,自然而然地接受英语的熏陶和启蒙。You are a blue poison dart frog. 你是一只蓝箭毒蛙
将“黃帶箭毒蛙"翻译成英文 yellow-banded poison dart frog是将“黃帶箭毒蛙"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:乌克兰总共有78,300人正式登记为爱滋病毒阳性,9,700人为感染爱滋病。 ↔ In total, 78,300 people are officially registered in Ukraine as HIV‐positive and 9,700 as infected with AIDS. 黃帶箭毒蛙 ...
沪江词库精选箭毒蛙毒素A英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 【化】 batrachotoxinin A 翻译推荐 箭毒样的curariform 南美箭毒ticuna 马来箭毒ipoh 箭毒curara 去箭毒decurariza 箭毒硷curarine 除箭毒decurariza 箭毒碱curarina 箭毒苷echugin ...
捕食者促进了箭毒蛙肤色的进化 (单词翻译:单击) Natural selection has played a role in the development of the many skins patterns of the tiny Ranitomeyaimitator(模仿者)poisondart1frog, according to a study that will be published in an upcoming edition of AmericanNaturalist2by University of Montreal...
沪江词库精选箭毒蛙碱的英文怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 batrachotoxin 翻译推荐 箭毒样的curariform 南美箭毒ticuna 马来箭毒ipoh 箭毒curara 去箭毒decurariza 箭毒硷curarine 除箭毒decurariza 箭毒碱curarina 箭毒苷echugin 筒箭毒tubocurare ...
雄花箭毒蛙将蝌蚪置于恶劣的环境中生存 Given a choice, male dyeing poison frogs snub empty pools in favor of ones in which their tinytadpoles2(蝌蚪)have tometamorphose(变形)into frogs in the company of larger, carnivorous ones of the same species. The frog fathers only choose to deposit their ...