As the principal wrapped up her speech, she made an announcement that left me momentarily frozen: "And now, we have a surprise guest – a student volunteer who has generously offered to share their thoughts on the importance of teamwork in our academic journey." My heart skipped a beat as ...
So what would happen if suddenly, every human on Earth disappeared? 那么如果所有人都突然消失了,地球会怎么样呢? With no one maintaining them, some of our creations backfire immediately. 当没有人维护时,我们的一些创造产物会立刻表现异常。 Hours after we disappear, oil refineries malfunction, 在我们...
But in this post-human world, “local” has a new meaning. Our cities are full of imported plants, which now run wild across their adopted homes.Water hyacinth coat the waterways of Shanghai in a thick green carpet.Poisonous giant hogweeds overgrow the banks of London’s Thames River. 但...
在这种想象实验中卫星突然消失的情况不太可能发生,但有两种非常真实的情境可能导致这样的结果。 The first is a solar flare so strong it fries satellite circuitry -- as well as many other devices and power grids around the world. 第一个情况是强烈的日闪焰使卫星的电路以及全球各地许多设备和电网因过热...
⭐ESDP云南总决选⭐那些看似不起波澜的日复一日的练习,会在突然的某一天,让自己感受到坚持的意义[太阳][太阳]#英语演讲比赛 #英语演讲#坚持的意义 #最棒的自己 #自信女孩 - 我是妞姐呀于20231211发布在抖音,已经收获了2887个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
I am very sorry,something knock my mind and I will get to deal with it.
演讲过程中出现了令人尴尬的沉默,约翰逊先生似乎忘记了台词,只能来回翻找几张演讲稿。 He muttered "blast it", before saying "forgive me" to the crowd. 他喃喃地说了一句“该死的”,然后对人群说“原谅我”。 The speech was bill...
如果每个人都突然消失了,会发生什么#ted演讲精选 #英语学习打卡 #英语口语天天练#背单词#看动画学英语 - TED视野全球于20241125发布在抖音,已经收获了1.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
不是英语speech而是学校突然要搞的演讲 为什么英语老师还要听的这么认真啊 û收藏 转发 1 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 喜欢碎碎念~^_^ 更多a 微关系 她的关注(661) 嗨饭娱乐 美丽大板砖 Tanninski赤兔 vv吃...