《Flame in My Heart》I still hear your voice,Softly calling my name,But I know my answer in vain,Cause I couldn't be with you,When you needed help and rescue,From the darkness that took you away.Will there be absolution,At the story's conclusion?Or will there be just end...
【近义词】演讲、讲演 【释义】:①根据原意论述解说:演说佛经|皆为一一演说,咸究其根本。②面向听众发表意见,说明事理:竞选演说|就职演说|练习演说。问题三:究竞的近义词 近义词: 到底 [拼音] [jiū jìng][释义] 1.结果;原委 2.到底 问题四:究竞的近义词有哪些? 你好,很高兴为你解...