3) taxation reform 税制改革 1. The current bank taxation seriously lag behind other taxation reform. 我国现行银行税制严重滞后于其他税制改革,同其他国家相比,现行银行税制存在诸多问题和弊端,致使我国银行业税收负担沉重。 2. This reform was quite a good and successful example in the history of ...
5) Real Property Taxation System Reform 物业税税制改革 1. Research on Difficulties of Public Administration System inReal Property Taxation System Reform——Using the Theory of "Adverse Soft-Budget Constraint" 物业税税制改革的财政公共管理体制困境探析——地方政府“逆向软预算约束”的分析框架 ...
5) taxation reform 税制改革 1. The current bank taxation seriously lag behind other taxation reform. 我国现行银行税制严重滞后于其他税制改革,同其他国家相比,现行银行税制存在诸多问题和弊端,致使我国银行业税收负担沉重。 2. This reform was quite a good and successful example in the history of ...