a5月31号,我和爸爸妈妈、妹妹、以及啊福--一只狗,来到了我家的田里。当爸妈正在劳作时妹妹和阿福在河边玩耍。 In May 31, I and father and mother, the younger sister, as well as a lucky - - dog, arrived in my family's field.When father and mother practical training the younger sister and ...
a您要带上师母哦,我父母欢迎您的到来,您的到来给我家带来了喜气和福气 You must take to bring with the teacher's wife oh, my parents welcome you the arrival, your arrival the family has brought the happy expression and the good fortune for me[translate]...
《英语通识素质教育》 | 记得十几年前到海南的时候,大家都觉得我家三个儿子,首先真是好福气,其次就是英语程度这么高是理所当然的,因为在台湾都是说英文的...(其实那是香港和新加坡...)三个儿子是不是福气,当过父母的比较有发言权咯,每个人的际遇并不一样。英文这件事,就得从学校、师资和家庭说起了。