以下是几种简短的英文祝酒词: 1."Cheers!":这是一种最常见的祝酒词,适用于各种场合。发音为/trs/,意为“干杯!”或“祝酒”。 2."Toast":这个词既可以表示祝酒,也可以表示祝酒词。例如:“Here"s a toast to our friendship!”(为我们的友谊干杯!)。 3."Prost!":这个词源自德语,意为“干杯!”或“...
一、常见英文祝酒词 干杯: 'Cheers!':这是最普遍、最常用的祝酒词,意为“干杯”或“祝好”。 'Bottoms up!':这个表达也常用于祝酒,意为“一饮而尽”或“干杯到底”。 祝你健康: 'Here's to your health.':这句话用于祝愿对方身体健康,是祝酒时常用的表达。 向在座的各位敬酒:...
下面是祝福语为您整理的聚会英文祝酒词,希望大家能够喜欢。 Goodeveningladiesandgentlemen,pleaseallowmetotakethisopportunitytoproposeatoast: First,I’dliketosaythankyouMr.XXX.Thanksforyourgeneroushospitalitytous.YougaveusthischancetohavethispartyjustbeforetheendofTraditionalChineseNewYear. Second,I’dliketosay...
“The wine in my glass is evidence too that none of this could happen without you。” “Being alongside you has its perks: you’re a hardass and a jerk, and a model of how I’d like to work。” 5、祝畅饮、放松 “今宵有酒今宵醉,何须心忧明日事。” “Love may come and love may...
祝酒词的英文翻译 (spoken) toast 祝酒词汉英翻译 toast烤面包片,吐司;干杯,祝酒,敬酒;极受敬慕的人(或事物);为……举杯敬酒,为……干杯;烤,烘(食品,尤指面包、干酪);使暖和,给……烤火; 词组短语 划时代的祝酒词An Epoch-making Toast 致祝酒词Toast; make a toast ...
聚会必备,英文祝酒词全在这啦! 新年马上来临,少不了和家人朋友聚餐。 杯盏交错,如何说出地道的祝酒词呢? 今天小编就为你送上实用的口语表达! - Here's to your health! 祝你健康! - And to yours! 你也是! - Here's to our new life! 为了我们的新生活! - Hear! Hear! 说得好! (hear在这表示同...
英文祝酒词 1 Ladies and gentlemen: Good evening! XX China International Exhibition opened today. Tonight, we have an opportunity to gather with friends from all walks of life, very happy. On behalf of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade City Branch of the XX on our ...
1. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词 I'll drink to your good health. I'll drink to very good health for you. Let's drink to his success. Let's drink a toast to our friendly co-operation. I'll give toast to all the people here. I propose a toast to the friendship between our...
无论是在中国还是在国外,祝酒词都有着重要的地位。在英文中,祝酒词通常被称为“Toast”。 祝酒词的简短英文版示例如下: - "Let"s raise a toast to the bride and groom! May they have a long and happy marriage!"(让我们为新人举杯!愿他们婚姻长久,幸福美满!) - "Here"s to our friendship! May...