三星相机 个问题 - Camera lens return issue - Buttons not working only the power button - How can I fix - Why won’t my camera let me switch from the ‘Select USB’ screen - How to fix blurry lens? - Why will my camera not stop saying "select USB" when no
奥林巴斯相机 个问题 - camera won't turn off while battery is insterted - The Shutter Blade has been stuck - My camera is not focusing - Need to reset camera date when change battery - Camera turns on but shows a black screen snd turn back off - It won't
奥林巴斯相机 个问题 - camera won't turn off while battery is insterted - Repair/replace card door Olympus E-510 DSLR - Battery Door Plastic Slider Broke on my Olympus Stylus 820 - Camera powers down unexpectedly - set T/M/J every accu change - Olympus OM
一、专业维修论坛 iFixit论坛:该论坛专注于电子设备(包括数码相机)的拆解与维修,提供了丰富的维修指南、教程和零件购买渠道。用户可以在此交流维修经验,获取专业解答。 蜂鸟网、色影无忌:作为国内专注于摄影的论坛,这两个平台也设有数码相机维修板块,用户可以在这里找到针对特定品牌和型号的维修建议和解决方案。 二、综...
相机维修 苹果宣布了一项新的服务计划,旨在修复iPhone14Plus手机的后置摄像头无法显示预览的问题。极少数iPhone14Plus设备可能会出现此问题,具体定义为在2023年4月10日至2024年4月28日之间生产的设备。苹果偶尔会推出此类服务计划来为其产品提供维修,例如修复iPhone12或12Pro手机接收器的计划和修复发出噼啪声或静电声的...
0 问题解答论坛 Canon 750D with a 75 x 300 Lens and I get a error bad contacts. 未答复 Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D Zephosk 3.1千 已编辑 2024年11月22日 1 答案 Would there be anyway for me to fix or replace this? 佳能相机 oldturkey03 807.4千 答案已编辑 2024年4月26日 ...
5 问题解答论坛 service manual canon eos 70d Canon EOS 70D Fco Javier Garcia Fdez 已评论 2024年11月13日 2 问题解答论坛 camera wont switch on Canon EOS Rebel T3 / 1100D Summer Spencer 已答 2020年4月20日 2 问题解答论坛 Why does my Canon EOS 40D camera display error-99? 已...
佳能相机 个问题 - How do I change the setting to english on my canon powershot A470 - Why is it not working? - it will beep and focus but not fire - Screen is stuck on “EOS” how do I get this camera working? - Quick Control Dial Broken. - How to replac
佳能相机 个问题 - Canon DSLR software communication protocol - Why is camera eating more battery? - The camera keeps draining my batteries. - Focusing screen has dropped out. - Why does camera drain a fully charged battery seconds after turning on - Why
0 问题解答论坛 Is it hard to replace the front cover on this camera? 未答复 Canon EOS-1D X Dan 487.8千 已评论 2019年7月23日 1 答案 How to keep it Canon EOS 20D mayer 687.6千 答案已编辑 2019年7月16日 0 问题解答论坛 About auto focus calibration... 未答复 Canon EOS Rebel...