//public bool doRotate; //相机旋转以及缩放功能开关 public bool doZoom; public bool doRotate; // The movement amount when zooming.缩放时的移动量。 public float zoomStep = 30f; public float zoomSpeed = 5f; private float heightWanted; private float distanceWanted; public float xSpeed = 3.0f;...
{//以物体上方为旋转轴(Vector3.up == new Vector3(0, 1.0f, 0)),物体左右旋转角度与鼠标横向移动距离相关,变化速率2ftransform.RotateAround(newVector3(0,0,0), Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * offset.x *2f); // transform.RotateAround(rotateCenter.localPosition, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * offs...
//中心点物体 public static Transform Tanks; //缩放控制 private float distance; //位置控制 private Vector3 position; //角度控制 private Quaternion rotation1; //相机动画控制:0停止;1旋转指定角度;2旋转到某个角度 static int Ani_Camera; //旋转动画的角度 static float XAniAngle = 0f; static float...
1.首先新建一个空物体命名为“CameraController” 2.在“CameraController”对象下,创建一个名为“CameraObject”的空对象 3.将“Main Camera”拖动到“CameraObject”对象层级下 4.新建一个“Cube”物体 5.在“CameraController”对象上,创建一个名字为“RotateZoomObject”的C#脚本;(代码如下) using System; using...
using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour { // Text m_debugTip; public bool canRotation_X = true; public bool canRotation_Y = true; public bool canScale = true; #region Field and Property ...