“Straightforward”作为直截了当的英文翻译,在英文中有着广泛的应用。以下是一些常见的用法和例句: 形容人的性格或行为: He is a straightforward person, always saying what he thinks.(他是一个直截了当的人,总是说出自己的想法。) I appreciate her straightforward approach to pro...
直接了当(direct and to the point) 直言不讳(blunt and honest) 坦率直言(frank and straightforward) 开门见山(to the point and straightforward) 直截了当的拒绝(point-blank refusal) 直截了当的提问(point-blank question) 直截了当的答复(point-blank answer)例如,如果你想表达某人说话很直截了当,可以说:...
直截了当的英文“ 直截了当 ”的英文翻译say without mincing words ask a person plump, blunt, come straight to the point, directness, 这些都有“直截了当”的意思。具体用哪个看语境。 相关词组: 直截了当的 straightforward; direct; flat-footed; blunt; flat 直截了当地 singly; straight from the ...
straightforward, blunt, flatly是“直截了当"到 英文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:这种做法直截了当,但随着病例数量持续大幅降低,尤其是在非洲,这样做已不再合理。 ↔ Such a practice is straightforward, but no longer defensible as cases continue to drop dramatically, especially in Africa. 直截了当 + ...
英文老师课 21分钟前 来自皮皮时光机 【地道口语】point blank 直截了当。例如:I refused to go out with him point blank. 我直截了 当告诉他,不愿意跟他约会。She asked him point blank whether he has fallen in love with someone else. 她直截了当地问他是不是爱上别人了。I asked him point ...
直截了当的英文英语翻译 straightforward参考释义 直截了当[zhíjiéliǎodàng] -saywithoutmincingwords;askapersonplump;blunt;comestraighttothepoint;directlyandcandidly;flatandplain;inaforthrightmanner;inexplicitterms;innouncertainterms;(speak)instraightforwardterms;pointblank;putthematterbluntly;saypoint-blank;...
1.direct; straightforward; blunt; point-blank; forthright 2.in plain terms; in no uncertain terms; without circumlocution; with a simple directness; without preamble 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试
直截了当的 中文直截了当的 英文blunt; flat-footed; straightforward
他说话、办事直截了当,认真干脆。 成语解释 形容说话做事爽快、干脆。 典故出处 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第六十五回:"紫芝妹妹嘴虽利害,好在心口如一,直截了当,倒是一个极爽快的。" 成语语法 【歇后语】:铁管子吹火;打开天窗说亮话【语法】:作状语、定语;指干脆【英文】:straight from the shoulder【日文】:きっ...