提问:帮忙找下百事可乐的英文广告语。 - 回答:1.The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)2.百事可乐广告词 “Generation Next”。
Delicious drink Pepsi, 1982, enjoy life 啊!百事的时代 Ah! The era of Pepsi 1983年 现在就去体会百事 In 1983, Now go to Pepsi 1984年 百事可乐,新一代的选择 In 1984, Pepsi, the choice of a new generation 1987年 百事可乐:美国的选择 1987 Pepsi: the choice of the ...
嗯,英文版,应大家的要求,牺牲了我一半的午休时间,终于找到了~ 1903 - Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion 1907 - Original Pure Food Drink 1909 - Delicious and Healthful 1915 - For All Thirsts - Pepsi-Cola 1919 - Pepsi-Cola - It Makes You Scintillate 1920 - Drink Pepsi Cola. It will ...
for you,利用英国民间英文诗写出的广告我见过一个版本是这样的
百事可乐的英文广告语pepsi ade in neacist caleb bradham. in 1898, brad'sdrink arked on june 16, 1903.[1] there are several theories on the origin of the bought the name pep kola from a local competitor and changed it to pepsi-cola.the es from the greek edical term, describing ...
百事可乐的英文广告语 pepsiwasfirstmadeinnewbern,northcarolina,intheunitedstatesintheearly1890sby pharmacistcalebbradham.in1898, quot;brad #39;s drink quot;waschangedto quot;pepsi-cola quot;andlater trademarkedonjune16,1903.[1]thereareseveraltheoriesontheoriginoftheword ...
百事可乐广告词英文 百事可乐广告词英文 广告一词,据考证是一外来语。它首先源于拉丁文 advertere,其 意为注意,诱导,传播。下面是店铺带来的关于百事可乐广告词英文, 欢迎阅读! 百事可乐的英文广告词 I think the Pepsi ads are characterized by: 'dynamic, very impact on the visual; advertising frequently, so...
匿名用户2022-12-13 06:29 1.The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)2.百事可乐广告词 “Generation Next”。 匿名用户2022-12-13 02:22 Ask for more 相关问答 百事可乐广告里的女生 1个回答2024-02-02 01:18 今年百事再度出手,创意推出贺岁“广告电影”《百事乐事 最强喜事》。两大...