1 首先,你需要准备两个西红柿和两个鸡蛋,它们是这道菜的主料。First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish.2 然后,去掉西红柿的蒂,并将西红柿切成块。And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces.3 接下来,...
1. 西红柿洗干净备用,鸡蛋放碗里打散备用。Wash the tomatoes and set aside. Put the eggs in a bowl.2. 起锅烧油,倒入鸡蛋,放点盐,炒熟,盛出来备用。Heat the oil, add the eggs, put some salt, fry, set aside.3. 锅里放入清水,烧开它,再放入番茄,烫到番茄能够剥皮就可以取出来把番茄外...
菜谱概述 本文介绍了西红柿炒蛋的制作过程,详细说明了所需食材和步骤,并提供了英文对照版,方便英语读者阅读和理解。 所需食材 - 2个西红柿 - 3个鸡蛋 -适量食盐 -适量香油 -适量白胡椒粉 -适量葱花 制作步骤 1.将西红柿洗净,切成小块备用。 2.打散鸡蛋,加入适量盐搅拌均匀。 3.将锅加热,倒入适量食用油。 4...
西红柿炒鸡蛋英文菜谱:The tomato fries the egg Raw material:Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt,monosodium glutamate respectively right amount,Sugar 1 soupspoon.Manufacture process:After 1st,burns the tomato cleaning with the boiling water,goes to the skin,goes to the peduncle,th...
西红柿炒蛋菜谱英文(共9张PPT)HOWTOMAKEStir-friedtomatoeswitheggs STEP1 n.原料 Whatfoodmaterialsareneeded?saltchopoapdnje.剁ido碎n的gree2n3aetdodje.可migb食ga用lest的ooeils STEP2 Processthetomatoes v.烫 ①cleanthetomatoesandthenscaldthemwithboilingwater n.梗 ②removethestemsandthepeels ③cutthem...
番茄炒蛋英文菜谱Tomato Scrambled Eggs Recipe Introduction The Tomato Scrambled Eggs recipe is a classic and popular dish in Chinese cuisine. With its vibrant colors and flavorful taste, it is loved by people of all ages. The combination of fresh tomatoes and scrambled eggs creates a harmonious ...
西红柿炒鸡蛋是中国的国宝级菜谱,英文版教程学起来吧!#英语发音 #生活英语 #实用英语 #番茄炒蛋英文 #英语单词 - 长治市高格斯文化交流有限公司于20221203发布在抖音,已经收获了4.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
番茄炒蛋:fried eggs with tomatoes 宫保鸡丁:kung pao chicken 在国外的中餐馆的菜单上看到过,绝对正确的。希望能帮到你=)