留数方法 1. Through the residue method,the basic problems of Dirac eneigenvalue problem with eigenparameters boundary conditions are studed,and the eigenexpansion theorem of function f(x) in L2(0,π) gets proven. 用留数方法研究边界条件带有特征参数的Dirac特征值问题的基本问题,并证明了函数f(x)...
留数方法1. Through the residue method,the basic problems of Dirac eneigenvalue problem with eigenparameters boundary conditions are studed,and the eigenexpansion theorem of function f(x) in L2(0,π) gets proven. 用留数方法研究边界条件带有特征参数的Dirac特征值问题的基本问题,并证明了函数f(x)在...
动态留数法1. This paper proposes a novel dynamic residues method,which determines the optimal locations of the nonlinear controllers. 提出了一种动态留数法,对含有分散非线性控制器的多机电力系统的主导模态进行动态扫描,根据分散非线性控制器安装前后系统主导模态的变化来确定系统中非线性控制器的最佳配置地点...