The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 町 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 町 is used in a place names of 畹町 Wǎndīng .
(794 to 1185) and continued to develop through to the Edo period and even into the Meiji period. Machiya housed urban merchants and craftsmen, the townspeople class. The word Machiya is written using two kanji: machi (町) meaning “town”, and ya (家 or 屋) meaning “house” (家) or...
町畽 成语(Idiom):町畽(tǐng huàn)发音(Pronunciation):tǐng huàn基本含义(Basic Meaning):指事物的状况、情况相当好或完美。详细解释(Detailed Explanation):町畽一词源自古代农田的管理制度。町指的是农田中的一块区域,畽则是指田地平整、土壤肥沃。因此,町畽成语形容田地的状况非常好,土地平整、肥沃,适合...
基本含义(Basic Meaning):形容声音细小、连续不断。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation):町町是一个拟声词,用于形容声音细小、连续不断的样子。它通常用来形容小动物的叫声、小物体的撞击声或细小物体的碰撞声等。 使用场景(Usage Scenarios):町町这个成语常常用于描写一些细小的声音,在日常生活中可以用来形容小动物的叫声...
成语(Idiom):町疃(tǐng tuàn)发音(Pronunciation):tǐng tuàn基本含义(Basic Meaning):指一个地方或场所非常繁华热闹。详细解释(Detailed Explanation):町疃是一个由两个词组成的成语,町意为城市街区,疃意为繁华热闹。合在一起,表示一个地方或场所非常繁华热闹,人来人往,热闹非凡。使用场景(Usage Scenarios)...
Definition of 町奴, meaning of 町奴 in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 0 related definitions, and 0 example sentences;
Kojiki, meaning "meditating upon antiquity to find a guide to present".LUNCH Course: 35,200 yen (tax and service included) 13 course menu 5 Starter , 4 Appetizer , 2 Main course2 Dessert , Confections and Tea. DINNER Course: 35,200 yen (tax and service included) 13 course menu 5 ...
Enhancements to staff development programmes, including the introduction of a new programme for senior women leaders; new organizational development tools that model effective management and departments; and a programme to foster a shared understanding of the meaning of ethics, integrity, transparency and...
The Pastoral Epistles, by Dibelius and Conzelmann, acknowledges that at 1 Timothy 2:5 ‘the term “mediator” has a legal significance,’ and “although in this passage, in contrast to Heb 8:6, the [covenant] is not mentioned, one must nevertheless presuppose the meaning ‘mediator of the...
Briggs gives the meaning “sojourn, dwell for a (definite or indef[inite]) time, dwell as a new-comer . . . without original rights.” jw2019 保罗举出亚伯、以诺、挪亚、亚伯拉罕、撒拉等基督之前的见证人,然后说:“这些人...虽然没有得着所应许的,却远远看见,乐意接受,又公开声明自己在当地...